On the 26th of March, Fuad and i celebrated our 1 year anniversary. Our anniversary was the day before but since we were both busy doing our CyberP project, we have decided to celebrate it on the next day. The day started slow but when we arrived at KLCC, things turned up really great. ^^ We went to Chili's for our lunch and went to Kinokuniya afterwards to look for presents to give each other. Yeah, i know, why buy presents on the day itself? We were to busy to go out before, thats why. :) So i bought Fuad a copy of Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud cos i know he's been eyeing the book for quite sometimes. In return, he bought me Parables, a wonderfully illustrated book by Michael Gagne. I love Gagne's work from the first time i saw them in the Flight comics. Thank you,sayang!! *hugs* ^^