I *heart* Transformers! When i was a kid, i used to watch the cartoon, plus other cartoons at that time- M.A.S.K, Thundercats, Voltron etc.
*spoiler alert*
When the Autobots came down to earth to reunite with Bumblebee, i cant help but shed a wee bit tear. It was an emotional moment to see my childhood heroes appear before my eyes. I kid you not, i cried. I love this movie. A lot. Saw it twice with Fuad :D I thought this movie was going to be cheesy but it didn't. Thankfully.
Oh, drop by Les' Copaque's site! There's a competition just started and the prizes are so cool that i really wish i can participate too, but cant since i work at LC...wuu~ Mau PSP~
Autobots, transform! *ka ka ku ku chic* or however the transform effect sounds like =P
it was cheesy, but that what makes it cool .:D
But not cheesy enough sampai malu nak tgk =P i still can't help but to kutuk Catwoman the movie. Ah that one i hate. I know that movie can be better.
ka ka ku ku chic
Catwoman movie bodo *sobs* buat malu je. Cis (cheese?) betul.
And Transformers BORING! =p (saje nak cari pasal) hehe. If any of you can get me to suka Transformers, I will salute you =p
Sarakay: =p how ever la bunyi dia. hehe.
Loi: Someone managed to make you like playing CS. I don't think its impossible that one day someone can make u like Transformers. Anyways, deep inside, you're a geek, so memang tak impossible. :D ngee
eh? boleh dpt PSP?? seriously?? waaaaa i waaaaaaaaaaaaaant!
*clicking ze linkie*
oh right. itu serai aah... mahu ajaks karaoke-ing. tapi taktau bile. hahahhaha.
*erhem* gaji patut dah masuk kan? =D
haah :D seriously. masuk la. kiteorg tak leh. T_T
tu la, serai ada ajak gak. tatau la bile free.
ehem...dah masuk :|
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