I recall the day i first step foot officially to an office in Jalan Rugby, Shah Alam. I was there before every now and then to visit Fuad who at that moment was doing a part time job at the company. I remember the office was separated into two - LC1 and LC2. My office was in LC2, it was small yet cosy, enough to contain the amount of people the company have at that time. Things i recalled from that office - pretty yellow lights at night, eejean running away from roaches, us working on the first season of Upin & Ipin, the door we locked after defeated by LC1 playing TF2/Quake, the same door we opened and marched together to LC1 after we gained victory playing the same game, or the time when we at LC2 rushed for a meeting at LC1 after being YM-ed by our director Nizam and later found out that he is not at the office, playing a prank, long distance and many other stuff which left me smiling thinking about them.
But that was then, now we already have a new office building, more people in our team and our "baby", Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula, is due to be in theaters this 12.02.2009.
Last Tuesday (13.01.2009), we had our first press preview (yeah, yeah, it took me long enough to blog about this, but i have reasons for this and being lazy is one of them..thee hee) The event went smoothly, alhamdulillah. It was an event full of positive emotions for us, especially those who worked on the movie from the very start. Familiar faces scattered around the crowd-ex-lecturers, tv presenters, friends etc. One photographer took my picture for my character Fizi in Upin & Ipin. ^__^ felt like a star for a moment. hehe. So anyway, cant wait for the movie tobe released officially. Think 12.02.2009, think Geng! To the LCP team, let's make another history! Below are some pictures from the event.

:) was a great day.
Well done, korang =)
Nice pose miao~ >:)
It's funny how Fuad struggles to pose as energetic as you do but also maintaining a macho presence. huahua Pooooaadd
Fuad: Yes it was. Tak tired pun that day, maybe sbb too excited kot. hehe.
Loi: Thank you!!!! Nanti jom tengok sama2. Mew~
Papysnow: Miahaha. You pun ada update kan? I will go right away!! wooshhh~~
Invader Voobee: Hehe Fuad seronok betul that day, he was beaming all the way, kalau kite rasa bangga that day, dia lagi la bangganya considering dia keje LC lagi lama. Too bad dia tade masa amek group photo. Someone suruh dia angkat kotak masuk keta. T_T
Ida : Power! Pashi Pashi!
Loi : Tgk ramai2 :D
Papysnow : Lambat nye you update
Invader Voobe : Mana blog kau!
LC1 dan LC2....dah penah sampai ke sana..tp bgnan bru x naik lg...ade open ntuk storyboad artist lg x?he3..photographer pon ok gak...
tak sabaq nk tengok movee nih! :D
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