New moon. What can i say about the second installment of the ever popular Twilight saga? The book was draggy. Sorry, Twi-hards... but it was. I only read the book from start to the end because, well... just for the sake of finding out how it will end. I disliked the first movie, honestly but i pardoned it because it was made with a low budget, blablabla~ Bella was so whiny, so needy, so desperate for attention and Edward was so over protective of her that i think in reality, a girl in her right mind would leave that kind of guy. So about New Moon.. without putting any spoilers of course, i would say that it was less draggy, still draggy but less. They made it less draggy by cutting some parts of the book but to me, if someone who watch the movie without any clue about the story itself would be lost. Holes in the plot, here and there.
The best part was the werewolves part. For those who didn't know, they are actually not werewolves. They are shape-shifters. They shape shifts into wolves just because their tribe are used to the form. *yeah, i know this from reading the book. still not calling myself hardcore fan tho*
So yeah. Go see the movie if you read the book. Really made for fans. For those who would be watching just to satisfy your curiosity, you've been warned. :)
crystal emo man!
ahahaha ya betul!
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