Its the day i came to be! Happy birthday to me!! woooo! Last night at the stroke of midnight, my wonderful friends at the office sang the birthday song to me. How sweet of them~ Thanks, you guys! At least it made me feel less lonely, being away from my family and all. And a special shout out to my boyfriend for giving me a wonderful surprise. A gift certificate he made himself - a midnight ride around Shah Alam. Thank you,sayang! My family called me around 7am this morning to wish me happy birthday. I wish i can be there with them, instead. Haih~
To my friends, thank you so much for all your wishes. And Yuki, the pumpkin seed cookies sedap. And the packaging pun beautiful, thank you~~ ^^
Yes, i am older, but no, not getting any more mature, are we? hehe. Mew~
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The night full of lanterns
Last week, my LCP mates were in the Tanglong festival mood. We lit up some lanterns and walked a couple of blocks from LCP headquarters to 7-E and back. It was fun! My first ever lantern experience. Wheeeeee~~

I know its a bit dark, but this was the poor tree which was harassed to be our Tanglong Tree.

What a fun night! For more pictures, visit here. :)
Friday, August 31, 2007
The day Les' Copaque was closed on Monday :)
Last Friday, Fuad, Ehsan and I went back to Fuad's house in Melaka and the next day we went to Safwan's wedding. We all rendezvoused at McD and after that we convoyed to Safwan's house. (click image for a bigger picture)
The we rolled off to Safwan's house. Congratulations, Safwan!!!! ^__^ wooo purple!
After all has ended we all made our way to PD. woo hoo!!! aww sian Safwan kena tinggal~ At PD we had our team building session and some telematches. Best!! But before that, we had a BBQ dinner. Double best!!!! The steak and chicken was awesome!
The next day we had the telematches, sand sculpture and treasure hunt. At night we acted in group sketches. That was fun. We fought each other to win the first prize. What are the prizes? Keep on reading....

Fuad in his group's sketch. Dia jadi lift yang comel~ ^^

Picture below. Gile la Wan Kari lompat! :))
The same picture at a different angle.

After the sketch presentation, we had our prize giving ceremony. And look at the first prize :|

The group who won the first prize. Nasib baik ada Anas, at least the star wars figurines jatuh kat the right hands.
And my group got the last place, wuu dapat Mr. To-fu. I don't mind. Comel gak. ^_^
The trip was awesome! For more pictures and stories from Uncle, go to Les' Copaque blog. Hope next time we will have the same chance, in the mean time, go go go team LC! Let's finish the whole movie!!! Hoooooo!

Picture session with the LC crew~ ^_^ The first picture was the time we tanam Awei and gave her longer feet, i mean flippers. That time ramai guys took advantage on her. Sian Awei -_-; hehe

Picture below. Gile la Wan Kari lompat! :))

The same picture at a different angle.

After the sketch presentation, we had our prize giving ceremony. And look at the first prize :|

The group who won the first prize. Nasib baik ada Anas, at least the star wars figurines jatuh kat the right hands.

The trip was awesome! For more pictures and stories from Uncle, go to Les' Copaque blog. Hope next time we will have the same chance, in the mean time, go go go team LC! Let's finish the whole movie!!! Hoooooo!


I'm proud to be a Malaysian and even more proud when i heard Malaysia been mentioned in some of the top movies and when our achievements been shown on BBC or CNN. I'm proud of those Malaysian who went overseas to study and returned back, still can speak in Bahasa plus the loghrat. I was over the moon when our malaysian dish (which i can remember what at the moment) being featured in the Martha Stewart's show. :D Hope this small country can beat all the Goliaths out there. Happy Birthday Malaysia!
The day of the rats

I should have post this a a long time ago but since i was too lazy, this post is 3 weeks too late :| Anyways, that day, i went to see Ratatouille with my friends from the office. The movie was! (yes, the dots are intentional) Tho... *thee-hee* i have to admit i dozed off almost at the end of the movie, BUT, it was not because of the movie, i was dead tired. Planning to see this movie again soon with Fuad. yey! Everything about this movie is wonderful - the characters, the songs, the montage,...the fooood! Oh, one of my favorite comic book artist, Michel Gagne, made the montage for this movie (the part where Remy tastes the food as i been told and corrected by Fuad) and i loved it! ^__^ I give this movie, 10 out of 10!! *wheeeee*
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The day i graduated!!!

Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good bye MMU! Good bye!!! Tho somehow i can't wait to get out of this place, i'm sure i will miss a lot of things. The late nights spent doing assignments, the lepaks we had at Old Town, the lepaks we had at the playground near Ehsan's house, my breakfast routine with my sayang at FCM Cafe and Sirah, that yummy tandoori at Sirah, making the popular Roti naik and selling them, lepak kat bilik VR ^^, jalan-jalan & cam whoring kat Putrajaya after midnight, riding the car with Fuad, Ehsan, Adam, Aliya & Shikin and singing "What's up" by 4 non blondes at the top of our lungs with all 4 windows open...........ah those were the days. Glad i spent my years at MMU with you guys. Gonna miss you loads~ *hugs*
Friday, August 10, 2007
The day of a new frontier
Thanx Ehsan for giving me the link. :) I was over the moon when i saw the clip. Oh Superman! Oh Wonder Woman! Oh Green Lantern! OMG OMFG Angel!! I mean, David Boreanaz!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! .........ehem
Oh bought the new Justice comic. Glee~ ^_____^
Thanx Ehsan for giving me the link. :) I was over the moon when i saw the clip. Oh Superman! Oh Wonder Woman! Oh Green Lantern! OMG OMFG Angel!! I mean, David Boreanaz!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! .........ehem
Oh bought the new Justice comic. Glee~ ^_____^
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The day of the Autobots

I *heart* Transformers! When i was a kid, i used to watch the cartoon, plus other cartoons at that time- M.A.S.K, Thundercats, Voltron etc.
*spoiler alert*
When the Autobots came down to earth to reunite with Bumblebee, i cant help but shed a wee bit tear. It was an emotional moment to see my childhood heroes appear before my eyes. I kid you not, i cried. I love this movie. A lot. Saw it twice with Fuad :D I thought this movie was going to be cheesy but it didn't. Thankfully.
Oh, drop by Les' Copaque's site! There's a competition just started and the prizes are so cool that i really wish i can participate too, but cant since i work at LC...wuu~ Mau PSP~
Autobots, transform! *ka ka ku ku chic* or however the transform effect sounds like =P
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The day in a life
Hi-ho from the underworld. Yes people, I'm back from the dead. Been very busy lately. Forgive me. Anyways, a lot of things happened from the first week i exit MMU until this present moment. One, i went for an interview and got the spot. Started a wee bit late tho because i have to help my aunt to be in charge giving souvenirs to the people who came to her daughter/my cousin's wedding.
Haa, i have to include this. On that wedding day, i met most of my distant cousins, aunts, uncles and family of my late Tok from my mom's side. Saw my sorta famous distant uncle, Hasbullah Awang. And discovered Siti Zaharah and i is somehow related. Ok, so, on that day i kept on being told they reminded me of Rina from 8tv quickie. hehe. maybe it's my huge front teeth, ey?
Then, i started my first ever job as a Technical Exec (storyboard, concept artist) at an animation company called Les' Copaque. So damn happy to get this job. First its because i can see Fuad everyday ^_^ second is because this company is making the first ever 3d animated movie. How cool is that? Love the working environment. The work gets more harder but i'm learning. Susah dulu then senang kemudian la kan? :D
Then a on Sunday of that very first week of work. I've been awoken by a phone call from my dad at 3 in the morning. Phone calls at 12 to 6 in the morning rarely brings something good kan? On that very morning, my dad told me my grandma passed away. He was like "Ayu, tgh tido?" i was thinking "duh, its 3am!" a bit angry at that time but then my dad said "Wan dah takde" :( Kite dah takde grandparents dah. T_T So i went back to Pahang with my uncle, said good bye to my Wan for the last time, cried my eyes out then head back to shah alam because i have to work the next day. Moga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas my grandparents, amin.
Oh, i passed my final exams! woohoo. Take that, to those yang ingat i cant finish my final animation. Blek!~
So tu yang jadi for the past one month. Better get back to work. Ganbatte me!! ^______________^
Haa, i have to include this. On that wedding day, i met most of my distant cousins, aunts, uncles and family of my late Tok from my mom's side. Saw my sorta famous distant uncle, Hasbullah Awang. And discovered Siti Zaharah and i is somehow related. Ok, so, on that day i kept on being told they reminded me of Rina from 8tv quickie. hehe. maybe it's my huge front teeth, ey?
Then, i started my first ever job as a Technical Exec (storyboard, concept artist) at an animation company called Les' Copaque. So damn happy to get this job. First its because i can see Fuad everyday ^_^ second is because this company is making the first ever 3d animated movie. How cool is that? Love the working environment. The work gets more harder but i'm learning. Susah dulu then senang kemudian la kan? :D
Then a on Sunday of that very first week of work. I've been awoken by a phone call from my dad at 3 in the morning. Phone calls at 12 to 6 in the morning rarely brings something good kan? On that very morning, my dad told me my grandma passed away. He was like "Ayu, tgh tido?" i was thinking "duh, its 3am!" a bit angry at that time but then my dad said "Wan dah takde" :( Kite dah takde grandparents dah. T_T So i went back to Pahang with my uncle, said good bye to my Wan for the last time, cried my eyes out then head back to shah alam because i have to work the next day. Moga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas my grandparents, amin.
Oh, i passed my final exams! woohoo. Take that, to those yang ingat i cant finish my final animation. Blek!~
So tu yang jadi for the past one month. Better get back to work. Ganbatte me!! ^______________^
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The day i presented and lived to see tomorrow
Just got back from presentation. woohooo dah abis!!! :D the presentation was great.
Thank you so much to all my precious friends who came down to see the presentation. Thank you so much for your support!!!!! *hugs* ^^
I saw a lot of great works made by my fellow FAliens. ^^ congrats u guys!!! I want to improve my animation for the submission. Ganbatte me!!! ~~~ woohoo dah abis!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much to all my precious friends who came down to see the presentation. Thank you so much for your support!!!!! *hugs* ^^
I saw a lot of great works made by my fellow FAliens. ^^ congrats u guys!!! I want to improve my animation for the submission. Ganbatte me!!! ~~~ woohoo dah abis!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
The day i miss home
I cant help but cry when i heard this song by carrie underwood. I have heard this song many times before but today it made me cry. Nak balik rumah! Rindu kat Mama, Babah, Akmal ngan Angah :(
Carrie Underwood - Don't forget to remember me
18 years have come and gone
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on
We were loading up that Chevy
Both tryin' not to cry
Momma kept on talking
Putting off good-bye
Then she took my hand and said
"Baby don't forget:
Before you hit the highway
You better stop for gas
There's a 50 in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a Bible
If you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me"
This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home
and those bills there on the counter
Keep telling me I'm on my own
And just like every Sunday I called momma up last night
And even when it's not, I tell her everything's all right
Before we hung up I said
"Hey momma, don't forget:
to tell my baby sister I'll see her in the fall
And tell me-maw that I miss her
Yeah, I should give her a call
And make sure you tell Daddy that I'm still his little girl
Yeah I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Don't forget to remember me"
Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say but
Lord, I feel so small sometimes in this big ol' place
Yeah, I know there are more important things, but
Don't forget to remember me
Don't forget to remember me
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on
We were loading up that Chevy
Both tryin' not to cry
Momma kept on talking
Putting off good-bye
Then she took my hand and said
"Baby don't forget:
Before you hit the highway
You better stop for gas
There's a 50 in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a Bible
If you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me"
This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home
and those bills there on the counter
Keep telling me I'm on my own
And just like every Sunday I called momma up last night
And even when it's not, I tell her everything's all right
Before we hung up I said
"Hey momma, don't forget:
to tell my baby sister I'll see her in the fall
And tell me-maw that I miss her
Yeah, I should give her a call
And make sure you tell Daddy that I'm still his little girl
Yeah I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Don't forget to remember me"
Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say but
Lord, I feel so small sometimes in this big ol' place
Yeah, I know there are more important things, but
Don't forget to remember me
Don't forget to remember me
Monday, May 7, 2007
The day Superman died
I cant wait for the dvd of Superman Doomsday to be released. This would be the moment which marks the death of the man of steel. The ultimate fight between Superman and Doomsday.

Anyways, the second book of Justice is already out! Saya mahu! Kena kumpul duit dari sekarang! hmmph! ^_^
Friday, May 4, 2007
The day i said Bring It!
I just had a revelation. Okay..okay... so yesterday at crit, Ayman told me of my posibility of failing FA. I was so down because, me being me, i hate not being able to do something and gain success doing it. I felt like a failure. But this morning, after i woke up, i just stared at the ceiling of my four walled box, and think. If i do fail, i can redo all the things i dont like and be better. Well, to be honest with you, i regret of ever deciding to do 2D animation for my FYP. So, if i faill, i can walk off the mistake and start a new leaf. Failing FA doesn't make me a failure, it will if i dont get up and fight. I do have to pay a lot for the fees and sad of not being able to graduate this year, yes. But other than that, what do i have to lose? I can learn more, i can be better, i can finally have my go at doing 3D for fyp. :) I can be a fighter. Don't get me wrong. Me being ready to fail doesnt mean i will slack off and let my 2d FYP lying dead. I will make it better. If I can make it better, i can graduate this year. Yey, even better option. ^_^ But till that time, i'm still fighting my battle. Bring it!
Friday, April 27, 2007
The week i spent working @ VR Lab
I'm currently @ VR lab doing my FA work. Why am i here? Well, apart from the fact that i can work inside an air-conditioned room, (aaah...nyamannye~) my main reason being here is to get into a working environment. Meaning i am here is to get the semangat needed to finish my work. Here, everyone is working. So that can give me the drive needed for me to finish my FYP.
*frantically* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah lagi 4-5 hari nak final presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*frantically* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah lagi 4-5 hari nak final presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The day my family's coming for a visit ^^
I just got off the phone with Angah. My feelings caught me off guard and i cried on the phone. Its been so long since i saw my family. Rindu gile. It shocked me when i started to cry because although i missed them, its been a long time since i addressed that feeling and just cry. And i glad i did. They're on thier way here. Another 3 hours to go. Semoga selamat pegi dan sampai. They're coming to cyberjaya!!! *gleeeeeeee* ^_____________^ mew. mew. mew!!!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
The day i felt so greatful ^^
An hour ago i walked all the way to the bank, The walk was so relaxing. Wind blew softly. The air was soothing. MMU was so peaceful. Moment like this evokes thoughts. I think about my life and what i have achieved so far. Although i had a lot of bad things happend to me and my family, i am still greatful for it because from what i've learned, eveything that happens creates ripples that can lead to something else to happen. Good or bad. So below, are somethings i am greatful for. ^^
Things i am greatful of:
1. Being able to wake up every morning and face a new day
2. The moment i said yes, the first time Fuad asked me out ^^
3. Having friends around me to give support
4. For being so blessed, thank you for my talent, thank you for being born in a great family. How i am missing my family now~
5. For being healthy
6. For having Fuad as my boyfriend. Love you,sayang! ^^
7. Being able to learn new things.
8. Being able to day by day, getting closer to the things i wanted.
9. For my future and being able to be in it. No matter what the future holds~ :)
The day i listened to Breaking Benjamin
I have been listening to both Breaking Benjamin's albums and My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album whole day, just to keep me awake. I cant afford to sleep anymore, not when i havent completed anything for the next crit session. wuuu mati~ Anyways, i have added the song "Forget It" from Breaking Benjamin to my favorite songs list. Another song by Breaking Benjamin is "Rain". Both are slow tempo songs. Lovely. ^^
"Forget it"
It's a crime you let it happen to me
Nevermind, I'll let it happen to you
Out of mind, forget it there's nothing to lose
But my mind and all the things I wanted
Everytime I get it I throw it away
It's a sign, I get it, I wanna stay
By the time I lose it I'm not afraid
I'm alive but I can Surely fake it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're the part of me that I don't wanna see
Forget it
There's a place I see you follow me
Just a taste of all that might come to be
I'm alone but holding breath you can breathe
To question every answer counted
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
Forget it
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
It's a crime you let it happen to me
Out of mind, I love it, easy to please
Nevermind, forget it, just memories
On a page inside a spiral notebook
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
I can live forever here
Forget it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're a part of me that I don't wanna see
I can live forever here
It's a crime you let it happen to me
Nevermind, I'll let it happen to you
Out of mind, forget it there's nothing to lose
But my mind and all the things I wanted
Everytime I get it I throw it away
It's a sign, I get it, I wanna stay
By the time I lose it I'm not afraid
I'm alive but I can Surely fake it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're the part of me that I don't wanna see
Forget it
There's a place I see you follow me
Just a taste of all that might come to be
I'm alone but holding breath you can breathe
To question every answer counted
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
Forget it
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
It's a crime you let it happen to me
Out of mind, I love it, easy to please
Nevermind, forget it, just memories
On a page inside a spiral notebook
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
I can live forever here
Forget it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're a part of me that I don't wanna see
I can live forever here
Friday, April 6, 2007
The day we saw the last of roti naik
Selling roti naik (homemade buns) was so much fun! We (my groupmates for cyberpreneurship class and i) sell roti naik as our product. Hey, self made roti ,you know. The most happiest moment was when the 25 buns were sold out on the very first day, within one hour after we opened our stall. The next 3 days, the buns were selling fast. People even booked more than 10 buns. They loved our homemade buns. They actually loved them! ^^ On the last day, yesterday, our group managed to sell more than 5 batches of roti naik. 50 buns per batch. Yey! So sad yesterday was the last day. Anyways, thank you all for your support. You guys are the best! To Just Bread: Lets do this again nak? Best arr! Group kiteorg best. Caya lah korang! *high fives*
p.s: Sape tak simpankan Chocolate Melt II utk kite aaaaaa?? Pukui kang! :|

Sunday, April 1, 2007
The day i wish i was not me
yeah. i dont know why but i always say what i think and sometimes without thinking i will end up saying hurtful things. I wish i was not me. I wish i was mute. People hate me. I hate me. The world is crashing down. I am dead.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The day we celebrated our anniversary ^^
On the 26th of March, Fuad and i celebrated our 1 year anniversary. Our anniversary was the day before but since we were both busy doing our CyberP project, we have decided to celebrate it on the next day. The day started slow but when we arrived at KLCC, things turned up really great. ^^ We went to Chili's for our lunch and went to Kinokuniya afterwards to look for presents to give each other. Yeah, i know, why buy presents on the day itself? We were to busy to go out before, thats why. :) So i bought Fuad a copy of Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud cos i know he's been eyeing the book for quite sometimes. In return, he bought me Parables, a wonderfully illustrated book by Michael Gagne. I love Gagne's work from the first time i saw them in the Flight comics. Thank you,sayang!! *hugs* ^^

Sunday, March 25, 2007
The day the cat stood up
I found this video. See it for yourself! :D
I love the part when the cat sat on one leg and it looked like it has a beer belly ^^ cute!!!
I love the part when the cat sat on one leg and it looked like it has a beer belly ^^ cute!!!
The day we turn 1 year old
Happy anniversary, sayang!!!!! Wow, its one year already! Thank you for being there for me and layan my not so matureness. *hugs* and thank you for a wonderful year. Lets go and explore the future together. Love you so much! ^^ below is one of my favorite picture. ngee.

to my visitors: yeah, tau. jiwang. cant help it. i'm in love, bebeh! ^_^

to my visitors: yeah, tau. jiwang. cant help it. i'm in love, bebeh! ^_^
Monday, March 19, 2007
The day we did yet another roti
Just got back from Noxus's house in Cyberia. We made yet another batch of roti naik, or at least something that prolly look like it in 5 degrees of separation. Like the batches before, it looked and tasted like ordinary cakes. We've been making the roti again and again since last week and i have lost the track of time. Susahnye nak jadi~ Next time we will be having more trial and errors. until that time, nak tido. :(( i only got 2 hours of sleep last night. Huuu roti...jadi laa :((
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The day i craved for Heroes
Waaaaah lambatnye~ I'm waiting for 23rd April to come. Why? It's because of this...
come to think of it, 23rd April is closer to the day i finish mmu. which means i have a few days left till final submission. gaaaaah. tanak la 23rd April. thee heee~
come to think of it, 23rd April is closer to the day i finish mmu. which means i have a few days left till final submission. gaaaaah. tanak la 23rd April. thee heee~
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The day i sang my throat out
Yey, i went to a singing audition and man, i'm glad its over. It was not my best performance and i was so freaking nervous that my voice sounded terrible. I sang "i turn to you" by Christina Aguilera. What was i thinking,rite? The judge said that i failed to control my breathing, which is true. Macam mane nak control kalau dah nervous weih, meh bagi tips. hehe. Anyways, i'm glad i went to the audition, tho i know i wont get to the final, at least i've tried. Maybe next time i will do better :D Thank you so much to Fuad, Aliya, Sook Chee and Ehsan who came and gave me support. And Fuad, thank you sayang for being in the audition room with me. This wont be the last audition for me. Nak try lagi someday! :D ngeee
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The day I saw 300

Yesterday, I went to see 300 at GSC midvalley with Fuad and some of his friends from office. Gile best cite nih!!!!!! Seriously, i want to see it again. The storyline, the effects, the music, the actors...very spartanlicious!!!! ngee :D 4 thumbs up! So for those who just came back from a trip to Pluto, 300 is a movie adapted from Frank Miller's graphic novel with the same name. Its a story of epic battle between 300 spartan hunks warriors fighting the good fight to protect Greece from more than 100,000 Persian army. The Spartan was led by their courageous king, Leonidas. The look of this movie is a work of art itself. If you read the graphic novel and liked it, you should see the movie and fall in love with it. I'm surely head over heels. ^^ Thank you, yayang sebab ajak sekali!!! Yey!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
The day the basketball thing was off
My heart is breaking right now because the plan to play basketball with friends was cancelled. Its ridiculous how sad i feel about not playing tonight. I don't give a damn about sports before so why am i feeling bad about not playing? Hehe i even shed some tears...pathetic.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
The day i feel like ....uuugh
I. feel. like. puking. :| Whole day, staring at the monitor really can get the best of you. My brain is all tired and heavy. I need a rest but i cant, need to buy the ingredients to make roti naik for Cyberpreneur project.
The day we went for a trip
Sook Chee and i went to Shah Alam yesterday to see our guys. The thing is that we didn't tell either one of them that we were coming to visit and wow they were surprised. Hehe Fuad was like "eh? eh?", looking at me like he can't believe i was there. He couldn't stop smiling. ^_^ Faiz too was wearing the same expression. Priceless, guys! Priceless! After that we went for dinner at Mama chops Papa grill nearby. I had fish and chips. How was it? Well, i've tasted better. :) After dinner, Sook Chee and I went back to Cyberjaya. Haih, kejap je. Doesn't matter. Fuad is coming back. Ehsan and i will be going to Shah Alam to fetch him. Yey!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
The day i saw American Idol
So i just saw the latest result of American Idol and this result show was pretty much emotional. Jordin Sparks was crying her eyes out saying goodbye to those who were leaving and even Sundance was seen crying. Very emotional. So this week, Leslie Hunt AJ Tabaldo,Alaina Alexander and Nicholas Pedro were voted out. Wanna know what AJ, Nick and Leslie have in common? The three of them sang Michael Buble/Nina Simone song! Maybe Leslie Hunt was right, "America does not care about Jazz!". I love jazz. ^_^ Anyways, as i was surfing the web for American Idol site, i stumbled upon a site with topless pictures of Antonella Barba. She was not really topless because her hands were covering her boobs. Speaking of boobs, for those who watched the result show, you prolly watched Kelly "Pick" Pickler sang her song which she co-wrote, right? One question. Did she do something to her boobs or are they like that before? Anyway, i dont like the way she look, she's young but she seems to look older.
Friday, March 2, 2007
The day i said "WTH?"
So i found this page where they posted Avril's new video, Girlfriend, and i saw it and was like...eeeerrr.... i was speechless! Okay, so the first time i heard the song, i hated it but day by day, after listening to it again and again, i was beginning to accept it and found t quite catchy, despite the cheesy-ness of the lyrics. But out came the video. She even have a dance step for the chorus. Its like she changed completely. I know when she changed her image before, i said that she's growing up, blablabla but this... with the dance routine and all i really don't know what to say. I miss the old moody Avril. The video btw, with the mixture of uptempo song, dance moves and her "i don't give a damn" attitude, really reminds me of Gwen Stefani. (Gwen fans, the comparison i made, well, i'm just saying that Gwen too made an uptempo album/song/video, she also have dance moves in her videos and she does have the "i dont give a damn" attitude.) See the video below and decide it for yourself.
if you cant view the video here, go to this page instead,
p.s: i still love Avril, tho ^_^
if you cant view the video here, go to this page instead,
p.s: i still love Avril, tho ^_^
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The day it turns 11
Happy 11 months, sayang!!!! ^_^ Thank you for being there for me, highs and lows. Love you so much. *hugs*
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The morning i ruined everything
I cried my eyes out feeling guilty about something. But once an action or words been said and done, theres no way it can be deleted, not in one's memory at least. I'm really sorry about it. I'm such an idiot.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The morning i heard something
Its scary and relieving at the same time when i kept on hearing people walking at the opposite side of my door and doors being shut once and again. Its relieving because knowing that in this holiday period, i'm not the only one staying in the hostel on the 3rd floor, unlike the past holiday when i was one of the (maybe) 3 people staying back in the whole empty hostel block. It is scary because despite of the noise i've heard, the shuffling of the feet, the water from the shower, the doors and all, i've never really stumbled upon the culprit even once. wuuuu ~~~~
Anyways, its a new day and i have to continue doing my FYP. i have to eat my breakfas first since its the most important meal of the day. :)
Anyways, its a new day and i have to continue doing my FYP. i have to eat my breakfas first since its the most important meal of the day. :)
Monday, February 19, 2007
The morning i was famished
With one foot still hurts i walked all the way to Cyberia this morning, for a quest to find something to eat since the foodcourts in all the HBs are closed for today. Its a holiday. How can i forget? Ngeh~ For those who are familiar with the not quite short shortcut to Cyberia, you can imagine the distance i have to walk. Imagine that and add an injured foot. :(( sakit lagi. Waaa, nak superpower. *sigh*
Anyways, i bought a lot of things to eat. yey. Amnyam!
Anyways, i bought a lot of things to eat. yey. Amnyam!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
The time i tired to walk
My foot's still hurts like hell. But i cant just sit in my room and do nothing about it. If i continue being like that i will starve to death since i dont have anything to eat except for some bread i bought yesterday. Tho those bread wont be enough to satify my hunger. Plus, i will be here for a week. So i've decided to give walk a try. I walked around my small room, damn torturing but hey, at least i can walk. Not like yesterday, when i have to skip my way to the toilet. :) so yey, i hope this means that my foot's getting better. Hopefully. =(^.^)=
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The day i fell
After breakfast, my sayang and I went out to Times Square for a date ^^ Went to Borders and i got my self my very own Justice League hard covered graphic novel called Justice. Yey! Its like so lawa. Love it! *gleeee* Plus its a work by Alex Ross. Worth it :D Fuad bought ReInventing Comics by Scott McCloud. A very cool looking how to draw Hehe.
As i was heading to McD. I fell down the escalator. Caused by my own clumsiness and no one else's. Dont worry,Sayang, it was not your fault. Dont worry k? *hugs* Tho the impact of the fall was hard and i ended up spraining my ankle. It hurts so bad now. Tak leh jalan :(( I need a hug...mew~
Anyways, thank you,sayang for the date. Windu dah. Cepat2 la balik sini k? Mwah! :)
As i was heading to McD. I fell down the escalator. Caused by my own clumsiness and no one else's. Dont worry,Sayang, it was not your fault. Dont worry k? *hugs* Tho the impact of the fall was hard and i ended up spraining my ankle. It hurts so bad now. Tak leh jalan :(( I need a hug...mew~
Anyways, thank you,sayang for the date. Windu dah. Cepat2 la balik sini k? Mwah! :)
Friday, February 16, 2007
The day i do nothing
Nothing exciting happend today. Just the usual boring plain jane day. Yesterday, on the other hand, Fuad, Ehsan and I went to OU to watch Ghost Rider but since all tickets were sold out, Fuad and I went to get the very scrumptious Takoyaki instead. Yum! ^^ Delicioso~
Later we went to Uptown looking for stuff to buy. Went home empy handed. :) Went to ss2 to makan!! whee kuey teow!
Today: Tirednye~
Later we went to Uptown looking for stuff to buy. Went home empy handed. :) Went to ss2 to makan!! whee kuey teow!
Today: Tirednye~
Monday, February 12, 2007
The day i made a bad choice
I have made a very bad choice of eating canned tuna for my dinner and am suffering a bad stomach ache and mild nausea. :( Never again. Never, again.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The day i follow the yellow brick road
I walked. I ate. I burped *excuse me* Hehe I walked all the way to Cyberia under the unforgiving sun in search for something edible. Luckily i was not alone on the journey. Thank you Dena! ^^ The foodcourt in MMU was closed. Every single one of them. Well except for the vegetarian one. Always bukak. But i'm a carnivour, thank you very much. So i went to Cyberia and bought a whole lot of things to eat, which mostly are junk food. Oh and apple juice! Dont forget that! :D
Dah kenyang. So now its time to get back to work. Adios~ ^^
Dah kenyang. So now its time to get back to work. Adios~ ^^
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The day when the future turns grey
I am currently listening to the lovely voice of Faith Hill singing The Way You Love Me. I love this song as it reminds me of someone special. ^^ ........ Snapping out of the lovey dovey jiwang mode, i am doing my FYP and all i can tell is that i'm afraid of the future of this project of mine. Scared of how its going to turn out. What was i thinking going into this.
Well i guess its too late to stop now. What i can do right now is to just keep moving on. Kan?
Anyways, i ate a lot today for my late breakfast/ early lunch. I ate my white rice with ikan keli, some chicken nuggets, TWIX bar, and drank strawberry yoghurt drink and apple juice. Thats alot from what i usually eat. Yey nak gemuk! :D
News flash! My boyfriend just linked me on his site. Yey!! I'll link you back, sayang. ^^ Thank you.
Well i guess its too late to stop now. What i can do right now is to just keep moving on. Kan?
Anyways, i ate a lot today for my late breakfast/ early lunch. I ate my white rice with ikan keli, some chicken nuggets, TWIX bar, and drank strawberry yoghurt drink and apple juice. Thats alot from what i usually eat. Yey nak gemuk! :D
News flash! My boyfriend just linked me on his site. Yey!! I'll link you back, sayang. ^^ Thank you.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
The hours i stayed up a bit longer
Its 2:42am rite now. Just got back from Times Square. Went out on a movie date after class with my darling Fuad. :) Had a great time. Went to the oh-so-great Borders. Searched for anything related to haunted mansions and found this great book which include the very famous Winchester House. We grabbed the book, head on to Starbucks , Fuad bought Caramel Frap and we read the book there. ^_^ Oh, we crossed paths with Faiz and SC. Hehe.
We watched The Holiday which starred Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black. (spoiler alert!) The movie was so cute! I absolutely love the idea of exchanging homes, well if the homes looks like the one Kate and Cameron have in the movie that is :) Cameron's was so cool and high-tech and Kate's was really comfy looking. Cameron Diaz's character, at the beginning of the movie was so like yours truly. Seriously. Up to the point where she hits the guy who was cheating on her smack in the face! Not that i ever hit someone in the face that but i always hit the wall with my fist when i'm angry, tho someone told me never to hurt myself. I think its better to hit urself because hitting others will involve many people, the person u hit, his/her parents, the university, the police maybe, the court, the lawyer if we get sued...well u go paint the picture. Anyways, the movie rocks!
Thank you , sayang for a very wonderful day! >:D<
We watched The Holiday which starred Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black. (spoiler alert!) The movie was so cute! I absolutely love the idea of exchanging homes, well if the homes looks like the one Kate and Cameron have in the movie that is :) Cameron's was so cool and high-tech and Kate's was really comfy looking. Cameron Diaz's character, at the beginning of the movie was so like yours truly. Seriously. Up to the point where she hits the guy who was cheating on her smack in the face! Not that i ever hit someone in the face that but i always hit the wall with my fist when i'm angry, tho someone told me never to hurt myself. I think its better to hit urself because hitting others will involve many people, the person u hit, his/her parents, the university, the police maybe, the court, the lawyer if we get sued...well u go paint the picture. Anyways, the movie rocks!
Thank you , sayang for a very wonderful day! >:D<
Monday, February 5, 2007
The day the hours left me sleep deprived
Its less than 12 hours left till crit time and i'm still doing my work. Blame myself for my chronic procrastination habit. Its not that i dont want to do the assignments, its just that everytime i have the urge to do it, i ended being distracted by something else. May it be the new episodes of Heroes or Prison Break or that witty scripted Gilmore Girls or maybe its just me lost in a fight of resisting the temptation to rest my head on that comfy pillows (yeah, two of them nice pillows) of mine.
Heh, and yes, i just got back from KLCC. Went out with my darling Fuad, Ehsan, Aliya, Adam and Razi. Watched "Stranger than fiction" at TGV. Damn worth it! The movie best gile! Puas hati!, gonna get back to work. ^^
p.s: i didnt sleep at all since yesterday. @_@
Heh, and yes, i just got back from KLCC. Went out with my darling Fuad, Ehsan, Aliya, Adam and Razi. Watched "Stranger than fiction" at TGV. Damn worth it! The movie best gile! Puas hati!, gonna get back to work. ^^
p.s: i didnt sleep at all since yesterday. @_@
Sunday, February 4, 2007
The day i skipped a blog
Yesterday, i forgot to blog. Hehe. I was too busy doing the backgrounds for the animation im doing for my fyp. Damn penat @_@ My head feels dizzy after hours spent infront of the pc.
Oh i ate a light breakfast and i skipped breakfast. *lapar* I will have to eat dinner, i guess. I will die if i dont. Other than that, i feel fine ^_^
Yay me for not being mad at anything today. Three cheers for being emotionally step closer to a healthy mind!! hehe ^^ better get back to work!
Oh i ate a light breakfast and i skipped breakfast. *lapar* I will have to eat dinner, i guess. I will die if i dont. Other than that, i feel fine ^_^
Yay me for not being mad at anything today. Three cheers for being emotionally step closer to a healthy mind!! hehe ^^ better get back to work!
Friday, February 2, 2007
The day i start a blog
Who would have thunk it. I left my "Being Me" blog abandoned and restarting a new one. I really love that site but i dont have any time (malas sebenarnye ^^) to maintain it. Maybe someday if i can conjure up some strength to get off my butt to update that site. But one thing i can say, i'm not going to close the site ^^ someday la update....someday.
Anywho, (yes, anywho. like the peeps in Scrubs always say) today, finally i really started on the backgrounds i'm supposed to do yonks ago. Just the outlines, not yet finished, but i'm getting there...slowly~ hehe Maybe i might post it here when i finished it.
Can't wait to see my sayang again~ ^_____^
Anywho, (yes, anywho. like the peeps in Scrubs always say) today, finally i really started on the backgrounds i'm supposed to do yonks ago. Just the outlines, not yet finished, but i'm getting there...slowly~ hehe Maybe i might post it here when i finished it.
Can't wait to see my sayang again~ ^_____^
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